Thursday 6 July 2017

Kenya: Consultancy: Construction Engineer provide technical guidance for construction designs, implementation & supervision of construction works

06 July 2017

Organization: UN Children's Fund
Country: Kenya
Closing date: 20 Jul 2017

If you are a committed, creative professional and are passionate about making a lasting difference for children, the world's leading children's rights organization would like to hear from you.

For 70 years, UNICEF has been working on the ground in 190 countries and territories to promote children's survival, protection and development. The world's largest provider of vaccines for developing countries, UNICEF supports child health and nutrition, good water and sanitation, quality basic education for all boys and girls, and the protection of children from violence, exploitation, and AIDS. UNICEF is funded entirely by the voluntary contributions of individuals, businesses, foundations and governments.

Background and Justification

A consortium of UN agencies recently secured funds from EU to support the development of a new urban settlement that aims to improve protection, enhance self-reliance opportunities and integrated service delivery for refugees and the host community of Kalobeyei. Additionally, the programme seeks to build the capacity of local authorities for the delivery of such integrated service delivery, with the goal that refugees and their host communities will benefit from a safer and more favourable environment, increasing their livelihoods opportunities sustainably, and decreasing the incentives for irregular secondary movements. Education section has also secured funds from EAC for renovation of 50 schools which is directly implement by INGOs/NGOs through project colloboration agreements that need supervision in terms of quality control and ensure the Child friendly standards are adhered. **

Overall objective of the programme:

UNICEF is the lead agency for the Education component of the programme that seeks to provide boys and girls in the refugee and host communities with equitable access to quality formal and non-formal education opportunities. One of the main activity out of the four activites under education is renovation and construction of schools and enhancement of learning infrastructure in Kelobeyei and surrounding areas to increse the school enrollment of childrne in Kalobeyei and surrounding communities according to prescribed educational standards. Apart from this UNICEF is also supporting government to bring back OOSC through renovation of school infrastructure in target counties.

The geographical coverage is the new Kalobeyei settlement and the surrounding host communities, in Turkana County, Northwestern part of Kenya. The action is part of the Kalobeyei Integrated Social and Economic Development Plan (KISEDP), a long term plan to develop the local economy and service delivery at Kalobeyei.

The establishment of Kalobeyei will be interlinked with the ongoing refugee assistance programme in Kakuma camp. This is essential, because elements of humanitarian assistance will remain necessary in both sites and because geographical proximity, as well as the fact that most of the expected population in Kalobeyei moving from Kakuma camp will retain strong economic and social ties.

Aprt from kalobeyi and Kakuma the other area sto be covered are the 9 counties where UNICEF KCO operates the OOSC program i.e. Turkana, Garissa, West Pokot, Lamu, Mombasa, Wajir, Marsabit, Nairobi and Kajiado.

Scope of Work

The construction engineers, contribute to assessment, design, planning and development of procedures, architectural design, all technical aspects, management and monitoring of rehabilitation/construction, in collaboration with respective programme staff in the section, as well as the Supply unit at KCO.
Specifically, the Education construction Engineer under the guidance of the UNICEF Kenya Chief of Education will:
  • Provide overall technical assistance to education construction projects (both emergency and development) from planning to implementation and monitoring upto final hand over to relevant GoK entities.
  • Undertake field visits to UNICEF construction project sites for the participation in, or observation of project activities and local conditions. Prepares routine reports on results of visits and project progress.
  • Collect and assemble data and background information with regard to construction programmes/projects and provide updated information on programme/project financial and administrative status for analysis and report purposes. Analyse construction programme/project status and recommend appropriate adjustments. Prepare tables, graphs or other statistical data for technical review/monitoring purposes.
  • Communicate with counterpart local authorities on construction project details. Recommend courses of action to the supervisor.
  • Undertake in coordination with county offices arrangements for visits to construction project sites for government and other partners, which include providing information and briefing on project activities and status.
  • Draft construction donor reports, annual and other reports, as requested by UNICEF
  • Investigate and propose environment friendly techniques and designs for the construction activities and ensure adherence to the host government EIA requirements and lawsThis will include submission of EIA reports as may be required by UNICEF or donors.
  • Develop the design, BoQ and workplan for construction/rehabilitation activities in coordination with program staffs and ensure technical specifications and contractors’ works meet the needs and requirements of beneficiaries. This will be based on the recently developed minimum infrastructure standards that have been developed through a comprehensive consultative and participatory process involving a broad range of stakeholders including Boards of Management (BoMs) and learners across the various ASAL counties plus education, health and construction experts within national and county governments, UN agencies and other development partners.
  • Work closely with the Supply team to put together all technical documents necessary to issue the RFP (BoQ, ToR, Design plans, estimate cost as per designs and excat location of the construction, etc), including providing technical support during the bidding process to make sure all interested bidders’s queries are properly and timely clarified, including pre-bidding meeting, and contractors assessed and premises visited as necessary.
  • Work closely with the Supply team during the proposals opening and evaluation, specificlaly leading on the technical evaluation, so that full transparency and competition of the process is ensured as per UNICEF standards, financial and supply rules and regulations, to ensure value for money.
  • Once the bidding process is finalised, and the contract is signed with the contractor (s), the engineer will lead on any technical discussion/issue arising from the contract agreed, in close contract management collaboration with the Supply unit.
  • Review and evaluate the technical, institutional and financial feasibility, constraints of the project and monitor compliance to ensure objectives and targets are achieved.
  • Ensure detailed records are kept to contribute to the preparation of official reports, including the donor reports, enabling real-time tracking of construction progress.
  • Provide on-site monitoring of construction works and evaluate the quality of construction works upon completion or at certain milestone process and make recommendation for payments to be made to contractors or implementing partners. Ensure government’s endorsement and certification to all the constructed facilities.
  • Submit to UNICEF the monthly plan of activities and progress reports (including photos).
  • Reporting and work relationships
    The Education Construction engineer will work under direct supervision of the Chief of Education based in Nairobi, and in close technical collaboration with the designate Education Specialist.
    AWP areas covered
    Outcome 10: By 2018, children and adolescents in Kenya will receive child-centred quality teaching learning with improved learning outcomes through evidence-based basic education plans and Child Friendly School standards that are implemented with full participation of parents, communities and county governments, including in emergencies, disadvantaged and vulnerable urban contexts.
    Output 10.2: By 2018, boys and girls aged 6-18 years old have increased access to quality basic education, transition to secondary and alternative learning programmes focusing on the most vulnerable children
    Output 10.4: By 2018, National and county governments and partners have capacity for adequate preparedness and coordinated response to emergency and children affected by conflict, to access quality lifesaving and peace building education in line with Core Commitment for Children
    Desired Background and Experience **
    Schedule of Payment
    Development of an action plan based on the scope of work and identify key deliverables
    By August 2017
    Monitopring and oversight of school construciton/ renovation works from teh begining to completion as delegated
    Every month.
    Timely submission of progress monitoring and oversight reports
    Every month.
    Report on key deliverables identified and give any recommendations that may be required to improve delivery of results
    As per the plan of action.
    Timely review of technical documents submitted by contractors and make recommendations for UNICEF’s action, including the bidding documents. Such documents shall include, but not be limited to designs, BoQs, ToR, interim payment requests, and technical reports. Assessment of the works to make sure that the deliverables in all construction contracts have been met
    As per the plan of action.
    Final Report on the deliverables achieved
    Mid-June 2018
    Qualifications of Consultant
  • Civil Engineer, other relevant area of engineering related to design, construction and maintenance of structures.
  • Work experience:
  • Knowledge and experiences in supporting low cost construction and familiarity in government standard design;
  • At least 5 years’ experience in construction contract management of reinforced concrete buildings; knowledge of materials, methods, and the appropriate tools to construct structures and buildings;
  • Experience working and monitoring construciton in highly asolated areas with difficult logistical access is an assest
  • Knowledge of structural engineering in the design of reinforced concrete, steel, masonry, and timber as applied to construction of buildings and structures;
  • Other skills and attributes:
  • Ability to work productively in a multi-cultural environment; good health and willingness to travel and live in locations with difficult conditions, experience working in rural settings desirable;
  • Excellent interpersonal skills, team oriented work style, excellent written and oral communication skills;
  • IT knowledge required: Proficiency in using computer applications (database, word processing, spreadsheet, presentations, Autocad, project planning, e-mail, graphics etc.);
  • Excellent oral and written English skills, knowledge of Arabic an asset.
  • Have current knowledge of the latest developments and technology in the field.
  • Proven ability to identify potential problems and recommend appropriate solutions manner; strong links in humanitarian community; excellent writing and presentation skills;
  • Conditions
    All cost needs to be inclusive for work, travel and other necessary expected expense.
    *The TOR must state that “**As per UNICEF DFAM policy, payment is made against approved deliverables. No advance payment is allowed unless in exceptional circumstances against bank guarantee, subject to a** maximum of 30 per cent of the total contract value in cases where advance purchases, for example for supplies or travel, may be necessary”.
    Please indicate your ability, availability and daily/monthly rate (in US$) to undertake the terms of reference above (including travel and daily subsistence allowance, if applicable). Applications submitted without a daily/monthly rate will not be considered.
    UNICEF is committed to diversity and inclusion within its workforce, and encourages qualified female and male candidates from all national, religious and ethnic backgrounds, including persons living with disabilities, to apply to become a part of our organisation. **
    How to apply:

    UNICEF is committed to diversity and inclusion within its workforce, and encourages qualified female and male candidates from all national, religious and ethnic backgrounds, including persons living with disabilities, to apply to become a part of our organization. To apply, click on the following link

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